On the 3th of July, Mr Hans van der Bruggen, founding father of EUCARIS and EReg unexpectedly passed away...
Majestic buildings, data, AI, mobile documents, Casa the Papel, warm and sunny weather, Taylor Swift, the elegant Real Casino of Madrid and the planned wedding of EReg and EUCARIS...
EReg and EUCARIS involved in Implementing Acts of new CBE Directive (EU) 2015/413...
Your votes have helped shape Europe’s future by making our democracy stronger!..
Many cities in Europe use Urban Vehicle Access Regulations (UVARs) to prohibit access of vehicles to one or more areas. A study initiated by the EC shows digital and technical solutions to enable more effective and user friendly UVARs...
The International Identity and Verifiable Credential Summit 2024 (IVC24) is a premier global event taking place in Sydney, Australia, from 2 – 4 October 2024. Organised by Austroads, the summit will bring together government representatives, standard..
EReg and EUCARIS are working hard on a bright future hand-in-hand!..
Currently EReg has four active Topic Groups. Let's give you a short update of the activities of these Topic Groups in relation to legal developments..
Cities are struggling with Light Electric Vehicles, like e-scooters: what are the rules and how can we keep our streets safe and clean? Let's travel to Spain and learn.....
As a new member of the Advisory Board, it is my honour to welcome you to the EReg blog...
There are only a few international associations that work in the field of mobility. Through cooperation with these other associations, we can grow together towards stronger networks and organisations...
In January, the EC, concluded its review of 11 existing adequacy decisions. You can read here for which countries...
Read here about the fruitful meeting of the EReg Advisory Board in Zeeland...
Looking for participants: Peer programme ‘Connecting Europe’..
Introducing a new Secretariat member...
The American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AMVAA) celebrates its 90th birthday this year!..
Read more about the release of the Proposal for a Regulation on circularity requirements for vehicle design and on management of end-of-life vehicles..
Since the 1st of July, Spain has taken its turn for the presidency of the Council of the EU. Read more about th emotto and political priorities of the Spanish presidency here...
Read here the full summer blog by one of our Advisory Board members, Ágnes Márton..
EReg attendence to the 4th European Road Safety Control Conference taking place in Madrid on 10 and 11 May 2023...
Read about the EReg and CIECA joint event on the proposal for the 4th Driver Licence Directive that took place on the 16th of May 2023...
During the first six months of 2023, Sweden holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (also known as the Council of Ministers). In this item the Swedish Transport Agency tells about their experience in the Swedish presidency...
Keeping the roads safe is a top-priority, also for the European registration authorities which are united in EReg. This is one reason why the EReg Members identified the revision of the revision of the Roadworthiness Package as one of priority topic..
On 1 March The European Commission presented proposals to modernise driving licence rules, including the introduction of a digital driving licence valid throughout the EU, and new provisions to facilitate the enforcement of traffic rules across borde..
An important part of EReg are the Topic Groups. In this column we present the latest information on the progress of the Topic Groups that were held in the last period:..
In December 2022, the Austroads and the Queensland Government co-hosted the mobile Driving Licence (mDL) test event in Brisbane. This lead to the report on ISO 18013-5 Interoperability Test results...
The 2nd Global Summit was hosted by the Association of European Vehicle and Driver Registration Authorities (EReg) and organized in cooperation with the Association of American Motor Vehicle Authorities (AAMVA) and Austroads. The Global Summit built ..
On the 1st of September the 2nd meeting of the Resonance Group on the Future of EReg/EUCARIS took place...
From July 1st, the Czech Republic will take over the presidency of the Council of the EU from France and will hold the imaginary scepter for the next six months...
Read here the news about the Croatian Ministry of Interior joining the EReg network!..
Read here the full report on the GMAC and enjoy the aftermovie!..
Read here the full summer blog by one of our new Advisory Board members, Mr. Jan-Olov Öhrn...
As of today, 25th April 2022, the Association of European Vehicle and Driver Registration Authorities is celebrating her 10-year anniversary as AISBL!..
Read here the first EReg blog of 2022, written by our honored Advisory Board member Mr. Bodo Bronnmann!..
Also this year’s meeting of the EUCARIS General Assembly unfortunately had to take place in a digital form; on 23rd and 24th September, the EUCARIS countries have met digitally instead of in-person in Tallinn. Both conference days were packed with a ..
On the 12th and 13th October, The Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW) has hosted a 2-day interoperability test event for the mobile Driving License standard ISO/IEC 18013-5...
Read here the Christmas blog written by one of our prominent Advisory Board members!..
The video report of the most recent EReg Academy on Micromobility and e-Scooters has been compiled and could now be streamed (EReg members only)!..
Learn more about what's currently on top of the minds of two EReg CEOs - Ms. Bodil Ronning-Dreyer (Norway) and Mr. Richard Damm (Germany)...
Missed our latest Academy on the topic of Micromobility and Electric Scooters? Read about the impressions here!..
Have you missed the Annual Conference of this year? Read on to get an idea of what it was all like!..
Read more about the signing of the CITA/EReg partnership agreement here...
ISO published the ISO/IEC 18013-5 International standard: Personal Identification - Mobile Driver’s License (mDL). Publication clears the way for ID and driver’s license issuers world-wide to deploy mobile solutions, and for verifiers around the worl..
Starting on 1st July, Slovenia took over the presidency of the Council of the EU from Portugal. Slovenia will now chair the Council until the end of the year...
Author: Heidi Øwre from Norway, working for Vegvesen in the Vehicle registration unit. She is also a member of the EReg advisory board...
The majority of the EReg Topic Groups will resume their activities again this autumn. This article will summarise the latest information on the progress of the Topic Groups...
Read more about the European Commission's adoption of two adequacy decisions for the UK and what this entails...
The next EReg Annual Conference will be organised as a virtual event..
Read about our first virtual EReg CEO meeting here...
Read the next edition of our EReg blog about Open Data, written by Darius Jurgutis (Lithuanian State Enterprise Regitra in the Vehicle registration unit)...
See what our topic groups have been up to in the past few months by reading this post!..
Read more about our EReg General Meeting of 2021 here!..
We are happy to announce the second episode in the EReg CEO-Talk videocast series, wherein Ab van Ravestein (RDW, The Netherlands) and Bodil Rønning-Dreyer ( (NPRA, Norway) discuss some interesting topics like, effect of COVID-19 on car-sales, the ri..
Due to COVID we had to be creative to keep the early development of the CEO network alive. That is why we introduce a videocast Series from CEO to CEO (“CEO Talks”).The first episode of ‘CEO Talks’ is published here (login is required). In this first..
During the last EReg General meeting, we informed you that we would have liked to organise the next General Meeting and Annual Conference (GM&AC) in The Hague in May 2021. Unfortunately, we are still in the COVID-19 crisis and many of us will probabl..
On 23 February 2021 the first virtual Academy on the Single Digital Gateway (SDG) took place. It was a collaboration between EUCARIS and EReg. It was a very successful event with around 50 participants from 24 countries. Speakers during this event we..
Since 1 January 2021 Portugal has taken over the presidency of the Council of the European Union. The presidency will last until 30 June 2021. The priorities of Portugal's presidency are driven by its motto: "Time to deliver: a fair, green and digita..
On 24 December 2020 the negotiators of the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) reached an agreement on a new partnership (Brexit agreement). The agreement was approved by the EU Member States (MS) on 29 December 2020 and was followed by t..
On 16 November 2020, the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) published a podcast in which Mr Servi Beckers (Chairman of EReg and EUCARIS) was interviewed by Mr Ian Grossman (Vice President, Member Services & Public Affairs o..
On 20 October 2020 the alliance between EReg and CIECA was signed by Servi Beckers (Chairman EReg) and René Claesen (Chairman CIECA). CIECA is the International Commission for Driver Testing and is active in the fields of road safety and driver testi..
On 27 October 2020 the first virtual edition of the EReg General Meeting successfully took place. About 44 participants joined the meeting from 23 different countries. We also welcomed our partners: The American Association of Motor Vehicle Administr..
The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak is having a major impact on all European countries and the services that Vehicle and Driver Registration and Licensing Authorities all over Europe are able to deliver. To share insights on the measures that our organ..
The European Commission published a tool on the road safety website. This tool displays the different models of vehicles registration and roadworthiness documents in European countries...
In response to the COVID-19 crisis the EReg Advisory Board has decided to postpone the EReg GM&AC until October 2020...
On 27 February the first EReg Stakeholder Meeting on Odometer Fraud was organised in Brussels. The initiative for this joint meeting was taken by EReg after several meetings with some of the stakeholders involved; the European Commission, ACEA, CARPO..
As of the 1st of January, Croatia took over the EU Presidency from Finland...
In December 2019, the new European Commission was installed...
A chatbot is a computer program that can reply to messages from customers...
On 12 March DVLA launched their online service for companies to apply for their first company digital tachograph cards. Since then, more than 300 customers have already used this quick and easy service...
EReg Chairman Servi Beckers, and Head of Secretariat Gera Arts participated in this year’s AAMVA AIC 2019 in Omaha, Nebraska from 20 - 22 August..
As of the 1st of July 2019, Finland has taken the EU presidency of the European Union from Romania...
The new UK trailer registration scheme came into force on 28 March 2019...
The third EReg CEO meeting took place in Lisbon on the 8th of May 2019..
In 2019 the General Meeting & Annual Conference took place from 8 to 10 May 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal and was hosted by the Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes, I.P. (IMT)...
Currently, ERTICO is performing a survey regarding ENSEMBLE - ‘ENabling SafE Multi-Brand pLatooning for Europe’..
EReg news - As of 1 July 2019, the States of Guernsey Traffic & Highway Services, has joined the EReg Association as a member...
Part of the agenda of the EReg General Meeting that took place in Lisbon on 9 May 2019 were the elections for two EReg positions...
EReg is very proud that Austroads has implemented the EReg Vehicle Chain guidelines to develop its own Vehicle Chain publication...
From 10 to 12 December 2018 a Global Summit organised by EReg, AAMVA and Austroads took place in Melbourne, Australia...
The Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has removed the “GSI” domain name from agency email addresses...
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency starts operations on 1 January 2019...
As of the 1st of January 2019, Romania has taken the EU presidency of the European Union from Austria...
On 23 October 2018, the European Commission presented its new annual Work Programme for 2019, with the title: ‘Delivering on promises and preparing for the future’...
As of 1 July 2018, Austria has taken over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the third time after 1998 and 2006...
Member News - RDW/NL has published a study on mileage readings of the odometers in cars exported from Germany...
On 17 May 2018 the Commission completed its agenda for safe, clean and connected mobility by releasing the third part of the so-called ‘Mobility Package’. In May and November 2017 part one and two were published...
During the first half of 2018 several Topic Group Meetings took place and significant progress has been made...
On 31 May the European Parliament adopted a legislative initiative solution in which the MEPs called for new legislation to combat odometer fraud...
From 21 to 23 November 2018, the EUCARIS General Assembly will take place in Malta. This year the event will be hosted by Transport Malta...
At the end of May the Commission released a new Proposal COM(2018) 336, amending Directive 2009/103/EC relating to insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles, and the enforcement of the obligation to ensure against such..
The prototype of the Finnish mobile driving licence won gold at the 2018 European Design Awards...
During the EReg General Meeting & Annual Conference in Berlin, a new item was introduced; the EReg Member of the Year Award. The winner of the first Award is......
The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission reached a political agreement on the regulation on the type approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intende..
On 2 May 2018, EReg organised its second CEO Meeting in Berlin, Germany...
Bulgaria will take over the EU presidency from Estonia on 1 January 2018. To ensure consistency in the work of the Council, Member States holding three successive presidencies of the Council of the European Union, collaborate in so-called “Trio”...
The EReg General Meeting & Annual Conference took place on Thursday 3 and Friday 4 May 2018 in Berlin, Germany...
On 5 and 6 October 2017 the EUCARIS General Assembly took place. On 5 and 6 October 2017 a record number of 27 European countries gathered in Prague for the yearly EUCARIS General Assembly...
EReg has published its first EU Monitor. If you want to know more about the latest developments in Europe and the European Union that have an impact on your organisation, have a look at the EU monitor...
The Topic Groups have made significant progress in the second half of 2017. A new Topic Group started on the GDPR in International Data Exchange, Topic Group XVII finalised its report and many other developments took place. ...
On 24 October 2017, the European Commission presented its new annual Work Programme, with the title: ‘An agenda for a more united, stronger and more democratic Europe’. The Work Programme sets out a limited number of legislative actions to complete t..
On 24 October 2017, an alliance between Austroads and EReg was signed..
The Final Report of TG XVII has been published...
The first meeting of Topic Group XX: 'GDPR in international data exchange' will be held on 29 September 2017 at the EReg office in Brussels...
On 23 August 2017, the renewed alliance between the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) and EReg was signed...
EUCARIS Protocol amending the EUCARIS Treaty was signed by the affiliated Member States...
Read more on European Parliament's activities regarding to Mileage Fraud..
On 31 May 2017, the European Commission published the ‘Europe on the Move’ initiative...
The European Commission, DG MOVE, is currently conducting a study on the implementation of Directive 2006/125/EC on driving licences...
On July 6, EReg organized a CEO meeting bringing together senior executives/ CEO's of EReg members...
As of April 2017, Portugal has joined the EReg Association as a member....
A successful editon EReg Academy on Data Protection was held on May 15...
As of 1 July, Estonia holds the EU Presidency, read more on the priorities during Estonia's Presidency...
EU News – ACEA and CLEPA have announced that they will be joining forces to find a solution for secure and safe access to vehicle date for interested market participants. The announcement was made at ACEA’s conference ‘Smart cars: Driven by Data’, wh..
EU News – European Strategy on Cooperative Intelligent Transport systems (C-ITS) On 30 November 2016, the European Commission adopted a European Strategy on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS), a milestone towards cooperative, connecte..
EReg News - From 5 to 7 April 2017, the EReg General Meeting and Annual Conference took place in Reykjavík, hosted by the Icelandic Transport Authority Samgöngustofa...
EReg News - As of October 2016 Jersey has joined the EReg Association as a member...
EReg News - In 2016, the first draft of the new EReg Work Programme 2013-2016 was discussed. Based on the input a final version of the Work Programme is now available...
EU News – In October the European Commission published its Work programme 2017 ‘Delivering a Europe that protects, empowers and defends’. In this news item you can find an overview of the initiatives and revisions that might be of interest for vehicl..
EReg News - At the moment, there are five active EReg Topic Groups: Topic Group I on International Data Exchange, Topic Group II on the Transfer and Re-registration of Vehicles within the Single Market, Topic Group XII on CoC Data Exchange, Topic Gr..
At the EReg General Meeting & Annual Conference 2016, Mr Werner Postma, Chairman of EReg Topic Group XVI, presented the main conclusions and recommendations of the Final Report. To read the main conclusions and recommendations click here...
Artificially lowering the mileage of a car is a technically simple, cheap manipulation, which can inflate a vehicle's value by several thousand euros. Known more commonly as mileage or odometer fraud, it affects a considerable number of used cars in ..
The EReg General Meeting and Annual Conference took place on 9 and 10 June 2016 in Örebro, Sweden...
At the EReg General Meeting Mr Servi Beckers (RDW/ the Netherlands) was elected as the new Chairman of EReg...
Thursday 19 May, the Netherlands Vehicle Authority hosted an international event ‘Data in a vehicle’s life cycle’ in Brussels about the reuse and flow of vehicle data. Key statement is that smarter EU legislation in the vehicle domain is possible b..
EReg News - At the moment, there are five active EReg Topic Groups: Topic Group I on International Data Exchange, Topic Group II on the Transfer and re-registration of vehicles within the Single Market, Topic Group XII on CoC Data Exchange, Topic Gr..
EU NEWS – On 11 December the Commission Services of DG MOVE and DG JUST in co-operation with the Ministry of Interior of France organised a workshop in Paris for the Expert Group established to support the enforcement of road safety related traffic o..
MEMBER'S NEWS - During The Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the European Union, The Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW) will host an international event about the reuse and flow of vehicle data...
MEMBER'S NEWS - TraFi expanded its electronic services for vehicle registration on 16 November 2015. Online registration is now possible for all vehicles and customers...
EU NEWS – On 1 December a workshop was organised by MEP Tomáš Zdechovský in cooperation with the Belgian association Car-Pass concerning mileage fraud in Europe...
MEMBER'S NEWS - Since 1994, drivers in the United Kingdom (UK) have been given the opportunity, through DVLA’s driving licence application form, to enrol as potential Organ Donors in the event of their death. Information that DVLA collects is then se..
EU NEWS - The Netherlands will hold the Presidency of the Council of the EU from 1 January to 30 June 2016. The key principles of the Dutch Presidency are: a Union focused on essentials, innovative growth and jobs, and connecting with citizens...
EU NEWS - During its Presidency of the European Union in 2016, the Netherlands will initiate a European Truck Platooning Challenge. This will involve various brands of automated trucks driving in columns (platooning), on public roads from several Eur..
EReg NEWS - The EReg General Meeting & Annual Conference 2015 took place in Gibraltar from 3 to 5 June 2015 and has been hosted by the H.M. Government of Gibraltar, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Department, Motor Vehicle Test Centre...
EU NEWS - The study evaluates the feasibility of an Vehicle Information Platform (VIP), facilitating the exchange of information between actors and Member States...
EU NEWS - July 2015 - “A Union for the citizens” is the theme of the Luxembourg EU Presidency..
MEMBERS' NEWS - From 8 June 2015, DVLA will stop issuing the paper counterpart and it will no longer be valid..
EU NEWS - May 2015 - The negotiations on the directive or regulation on simplifying the transfer of motor vehicles registered in another Member State within the Single Market are still going on...
EU NEWS - May 2015 - The European Commission has carried out a study on the Second Hands Car Market...
EReg NEWS - The latest “The Vehicle Chain in Europe” report offers an overview of all the Vehicle and Driving Licence authorities in twenty-three European countries and the main similarities and differences in their activities in the Vehicle and Dri..
MEMBERS' NEWS - From 6 July 2015 the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has started issuing the new style photocard licences...