General Meeting & Annual Conference 2015


Date: 03-06-15

The EReg General Meeting & Annual Conference 2015 took place from 3 to 5 June 2015 and has been hosted by the H.M. Government of Gibraltar, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Department, Motor Vehicle Test Centre. 25 registration authorities (i.e. EReg Members) were present.


During the EReg General Meeting on 4 June (morning) the members discussed general matters of the Association's management, such as the year plan 2015 - 2016, the status of the work in the different Topic Groups, the new EReg website, the budget proposal for the next business year, etc.


The Annual Conference took place on 4  (afternoon) & 5 June. The main themes of the Conference primarily focussed on the following subjects: the latest developments on self-driving cars and its impact on the registration authorities' activities, on one hand, and the cooperation with police on roadside inspections, vehicle crime and fraud prevention, on the other hand.