EReg General Meeting & EReg and EUCARIS Annual Conference 2023

Stockholm, Sweden

Date: 23-05-23

From the 24th till the 26th of May the EReg and EUCARIS Annual Meetings and Conference of 2023 took place in Stockholm. This edition was a special one since it was the first Conference held by both organisations EReg and EUCARIS. In total the event had 100 attendees from 32 different countries. 

In the evening of the 23rd, the week of interesting and fruitful topics was kicked off with a welcome reception. On behalf of the host of the conference, the Swedish Transport Agency, Jan-Olov Öhrn (Director New Road Traffic Register) welcomed all attendees to Stockholm. 

On the first official day, Jonas Bjelfvenstam (General Director of the Swedish Transport Agency) opened the EReg General Meeting. The highlights of the General Meeting included the signing of the Communique with AAMVA, the approval of the new EReg Work Programme and the welcoming of the new EReg Member: Northern Ireland. Alsodecisions were made on important steps regarding the future of EReg and the ambition to merge with EUCARIS, especially combining both secretariats. Furthermore, Germany has been awarded Member of the Year 2022/2023 for its outstanding and active contribution to the organisation. In the afternoon, the Topic Groups presented the activities of the previous years,and several written reports were approved. The day ended with the so called ‘Best Practice Market’ where an update on the CBE directive was given, the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) was introduced, and where CITA explained about the AVIS scoring.  

In the evening, the CEO Meeting took place in which the directors of the registration authorities came together to discuss relevant topics. It was the 7th time the EReg CEO Meeting took place.   

On the 25th of May, the EReg and EUCARIS Annual Conference took place. Björn Lundqvist, Professor of European Law and Head of EU Law at the Stockholm University, opened the conference by speaking about the legal challenges and opportunities for data exchange. During his presentation he touched upon the Brussels Effect, the Data Governance Act and Digital Services Act which all link back to international data exchange  

During the block on sustainable vehicles and environmental zones, Antoine Stilo, Policy Advisor at EuRIC, presented the EuRIC position on the Triple R and End-of-Life Vehicles Directive. Furthermore, Roelof de Graaf, Manager Operations EUCARIS, explained about the Urban Vehicle Access Regulations (UVARs) and Andreu Bosa, Area Manager DGT, presented on the UVAR pilot in Barcelona.  

During the block on driver licences, the European Commission was invited to speak about the developments of the Road Safety Package. Vesna Valant, Deputy Head of Unit from DG MOVEspoke about the main aims of the Package and its impact on Driver(s) (Licences). Furthermore, Elisabeth Griessl, Senior Solution Manager at the Bundesdruckerei GmbH,presented on behalf of the Potential consortium about the large-scale pilot concerning the EU Wallet with a special focus on the developments regarding the mobile driver licence pilot. Ian Grossman, Vice President of AAMVA, closed the block with a presentation pointing out the loopholes and possibilities regarding driver licence reciprocity between Europe and the United States 

In the final block on International Data Exchange, Lia Potec, Policy Officer at the European Commission, kicked off with a presentation on the electronic freight transport information (eFTI) and eFTI-gateways. Additionally, Sjaak Kempe, Advisor on IT Solutions at EUCARIS, indicated the consequences of the Road Safety Package for international data exchange and EUCARIS. Lastly, Teodor Stanciu, Legal Coordinator and Data Protection Officer at the Council of Bureaux, touched upon the exchange of vehicle insurance data with non-EU and non-EUCARIS countries.  

After this fruitful and inspiring day,the discussions and talks could continue during the gala dinner that evening. The gala dinner took place on the boat Waxholm III which left the shore for a cruise along the beautiful shore of the areas of Stockholm. While enjoying dinner, the engagement between EReg and EUCARIS was set into motion. 

On the last day, the 26th of May, the EUCARIS General Assembly took place. During the meeting it was decided that the Netherlands/RDW is appointed for EUCARIS Nominated Body for Operations for another period of five years. Additionally, Servi Beckers was re-confirmed as EUCARIS chair till 2026 

Overall, it was a very successful event that nourished the sense of community! 

We want to thank all participants for attending this years Annual Meetings and Conference, it was a pleasure to have you in Stockholm. Additionally, the EReg and EUCARIS organisation team likes to specially thank the host, the Swedish Transport Agency, that made this weektruly unforgettable! 

We are already looking forward to the next years’ meeting in Madrid.