Work programme

Every three years the EReg Association formulates a new EReg Work Programme in which the priorities for the coming years are described in more detail.


Based on the outcomes of an EReg questionnaire that was filled in by the EReg Members, the EReg Chairman and Secretariat formulated a first draft of the new Work Programme. This draft was discussed in a Workshop during the EReg Annual Conference in Oslo in May 2022. Based on the input collected during the brainstorm and a review by all EReg Members of the final Work Programme 2022-2025, a final version of the programme was formulated.


The EReg Work Programme for 2022-2025 presents an evaluation of the past years and the current functioning of the EReg Association, as well as the identified points of improvement and an overview of foreseen topics of common interest for the years ahead. It consists of three main parts with subjects foreseen to be especially relevant for the upcoming period:

  • Improving continuity and sustainability of the Association as an organisation
  • Subjects of common interest for European registration authorities
  • Increasing the value of the EReg network


The EReg Members identified 4 areas of interest for the coming years:

  • International data exchange
  • (Re-) registration processes
  • Innovation & e-services
  • Sustainable vehicles and environment


The EReg Work Programme 2022-2025 can be found here.

Click on the links to read the previous EReg Work Programmes of 2019-2022 and 2016-2019.