Contact EReg

Mr Servi BECKERS, Chairman EReg
Ms Kim VAN DRIEL, EReg Secretariat
















Ms Kim VAN DRIEL of the EReg Secretariat, coordinates the activities of the Association and she is supported by the Advisory Board. The responsibilities of the Chairman and the Secretariat include communication, organisation of meetings, management of the finances, coordination of and assistance to the EReg Topic Groups, contact to organisations wishing to join EReg, relations with interested countries and organisations, with the European Parliament, the European Commission and other (umbrella) organisations, as well as identifying and monitoring developments within the European Union, according to the provisions of the EReg Working Plan as approved by the General Meeting.

The Secretariat will be pleased to answer your questions about the EReg organisation, its activities and/or the possibility and procedure for joining the association. You can find general information about EReg on this page


Ms Kim VAN DRIEL, EReg Secretariat
Telephone: +31 6 11445648


Mr Servi BECKERS, Chairman EReg


EReg is located on the 3rd floor of the building below, close to the European Council and Commission in Brussels. 


Office address: 
Association of European Vehicle and Driver Registration Authorities (EReg)
Rue Froissart 95 
1040 Brussels, Belgium